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Workshop: South Savo Region of Learning

Workshop Participant at South Savo Region of Learning

I have joined to participate in a workshop about the South Savo of Learning and followed the activities of the workshop:
  • What is a City or Region of Learning?
  • What are the benefits of a City or Region of Learning?
  • What are the learning playlists and digital Open Badges?
  • How can we utilize City or Region of Learning in supporting youth employment in South Savo?The team of educational experts from South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK, Finland), Badgecraft, Breakthrough (Netherlands) and Nectarus (Lithuania) facilitated this workshop. The workshop included presentations of good practice examples from Cities of Learning, discussions and group work, practical use of the platform for Cities and Regions of Learning.
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Join to participate the workshop about South Savo Region of Learning


#cities of learning
#online platform
#digital youth work
#youth employement
Badgecraft drži i razvija ovu platformu sa vodećim obrazovnim organizacijama. Program Evropske unije Erasmus+ odobrio je sufinansiranje za izradu prve verzije ove platforme. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
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